“Ethics in Action” is an initiative supported and hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in the Vatican. In the spirit of the Encyclical Letter Laudato si’, it seeks morally appropriate solutions for urgent challenges facing the world. Meetings are held over two years in Casina Pio IV and delegates represent all major world religions as well as leaders of their communities and scientific experts. TRUST partner, Prof. Klaus Leisinger, is a core member of this highly prestigious Group.

On 29 – 30 October 2018, Prof. Leisinger was joined by the TRUST Co-ordinator, Prof. Doris Schroeder, for the last but one meeting of “Ethics in Action”. Delegates assembled to discuss the challenges of the Future of Work. Klaus and Doris introduced the TRUST four values framework (fairness, respect, care and honesty) and applied it to the topic under consideration. They also spoke about the Global Code of Conduct for Research in Resource-Poor Settings, as an example of ethics in action, and distributed the San Code of Research Ethics to those interested.
It was a great privilege to be invited to the Vatican and the Co-ordinator is grateful to Prof. Leisinger for creating this opportunity for high-level dissemination.