Jacintha Toohey is the Project Lead on Fair Research Contracting for the Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED), based in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa since 2013. As a consultant to COHRED, she has researched into the inequitable contracting issues in international health research collaborations, particularly with low-and middle- income country partner institutions. She has experience in development of research contracting guidelines and providing training on the Fair Research Contracting guidance materials. Jacintha has worked in the academic based, externally‐funded research grants environment for 14 years, based at the HIV AIDS Vaccines Ethics Group (HAVEG) at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. She has experience in the direct and supportive role in research project management, including the coordination of contractual processes (and compliance) and finance management. More recently, Jacintha has made substantive legal research contributions and published on aspects of the legal framework for adolescent HIV prevention in South Africa. Currently, Jacintha is completing her Masters Research Dissertation in Law (LLM) on adolescent access to HIV prevention options.