Dr Dafna Feinholz-Klip, Mexican by birth, is UNESCO’s Chief of Bioethics and Ethics of Science and Technology (Division of Youth, Ethics and Sports at theĀ Social and Human Sciences Sector). A psychologist and bioethicist by training, she previously worked as as a researcher in charge of reproductive epidemiology department, and was a member of the Mexican Research Council, she was the Director of the Women and Health Program in Mexico, the Academic Co-ordinator of the Mexican National Commission of the Human Genome, the Executive Director of the Mexican National Commission of Bioethics, until she joined the UNESCO in 2009. From 2000-2006, she was the Founder and Chair of the Latin American Forum for Ethics Committees for Health Research (FLACEIS), an organisation supported by the WHO. In her work for the UNESCO, she helps set up and support national ethics committees and ethics committee training around the world.